Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I know where i am going and where all this is gonna end. And it's not because i am confident in the future, or because i can foresee it. No, i just put 2 and 2 together, and as my lovely neighbor always says, 2+2=4. And that is how i know.
On one side, trends are nice, as they are linear ( or non-linear, it does not matter) dependencies among a certain set of variables, for which you calculate your deviation and then you can rest assured that you will not have any bad surprises. Nor any good ones, for that matter, but in some situations, certainty makes one and the other compensate.
I tend to think that we involuntarily opt towards creating our own trend of thought, of ideas, of decisions. And thus, consequently, our life follows the pattern that we have previously chosen. At a certain moment in life though, due to unexpected shocks, one may choose to shift the line so that it goes either through a predetermined point, in a desired direction or so it avoids certain unwanted happenings. But there still is a trend. Coz i do not think people change drastically over night. They can choose to do some things differently, to see some matters in a different light, they can choose to be better or to approach a problem from another point of view. But nobody can go over what he or she is, no matter how much we try. Coz we are who we are - with certain deviations, with certain errors and with a few improvments along the way.
Decisions. How hard and yet how simple they are.
Yes, i have a trend - aside from the obvious reborn interest in this blog. At the moment, the trend shows that i am willing to work hard in order to have fast results. It shows that i know who i am and what my limts are. And revelations come in silly moments like today, when i found an umbrella on the seat behind me in a study room. For a second, i asked myself the question whether i should take it, as my own umbrella was stolen just last month in a store. But then i thought that i do not want to do to another person what has been done to me. Maybe someone will come back for the umbrella. Maybe yet another person will take it. But my decision - to leave it there - transposes itself also into deeper and more important spheres, where i often decide that if i am hurt, i will not hurt somebody just in revenge, that i will not keep a grudge and i will not apply the "an eye for an eye" unless necessary.
I once asked what our principles are. Well.... now i think that they are the engines of the trends we follow.
I have tried to make my trend not too steep and not too flat - as i do not want to burn out bright and die quickly, neither do i want to stall and become the snail that gets its eyes thrown back once it gets on a roller-coaster. Although the coefficients of my equation are hard to define, i am continuously and stubbornly working on it.


Anonymous said...

i have trouble finding an equilibre. some moments i take stupid riscks, in others i fear and lose percious oportunities.

i can't make up my mind about this :) still, i tend to believe it's best to live free

Roxanchik said...

Freedom is relative. You choose what to do and who to be. But you kinda have predetermined options...