Saturday, July 5, 2008

Finally love

The line between friendship and love is very thin. And one is very tempted to cross it as it does not feel like blindness but as a continuous process of growing affection. It is not falling into an abyss without knowing where you will end. Because you have already gotten to know the other person well, you got used to him and learnt how to love his good points and his bad points. So your love grows.
Is it a much more responsible move? Yes. Because it is not just a relationship. It is already more even at the beginning. But is it worth the risk? Yes. If you are careful with every brick you put down, the building may last a lifetime.
Two very good friends may not be as good lovers. Or they can be great lovers. Take your chance. And be careful to do it right.
You two are so good for one another. There was always more than friendship deep inside. So i wish you all the happiness in the world.

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