Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Italian Mock exam

We have italian lessons 4 out of five days a week now. Before today, that idea seemed not only crazy, but suicidal. People are bored at the lesson not because the information presented is not interesting, but because they allow themselves to drift of to dream land and fall asleep every now and then under the soothing voice of the teacher that has such a melodious pronunciation. But today was not the case. Today we had our first exam simulation - the first out of the many that were promised to us ever since October.
The reaction was Silence. Shock. Terror. Nobody dared to say a thing, we were all going through the 3 papers with large shrift, and many dotted lines that we were supposed to fill. We watched the letters as they formed alien words and wondered whether it was possible for a sentence not to make sense to us after having read it 3 times. We read the instructions to the 3 sections of the exam and smiled slightly that we at least understood what was being asked of us. But there are no extra points for that. So we all tacitly decided that since Italian has only 3 credits, we are either going to fail the exam and take it in September, or not even bother to take it in the summer and .... take it in September. Either way..... Cazzo.


adinusa said...

acuma asa ncurajat ma simt dupa postu tau:)) ca numa cazzo cazzo cazzo si ce che schifo pot exclama:))

Roxanchik said...

hehe... lasa ca itsi gasesti tu profesori de italiana ce nu poseda foarte bine limba engleza....