Saturday, January 17, 2009

Dan Gilbert - Exploring the frontiers of happiness

It is not in the same order of ideas as the previous post- this talk explains the errors in human thinking while we try to make decisions that will influence the course of our lives. And it does not matter that we decide for ourselves not to think the way we are doing it now, coz according to the speaker, we are designed to have limited minds, as the world has gone beyond our capacity of understanding it.
In short, psychology is at the bottom of many industries, and mass manipulations are based exactly on these basic errors that each and every one of us makes in day to day life. If we are not too busy or if we are the least interested in knowing how things work, and more importantly, how our mind works, we should ask ourselves several questions. How do we find value? What is happiness and satisfaction? What can i do to maximize my state of general welfare? And how come my brain- which is more or less a piece of flesh, how come it generates all these thoughts in the first place?

Yes, comparison makes value distorted. And yes, most of the times, we compare the present and the past. And to some extent, i compare the two because the latter has brought me where i am now, so i cannot make an abstraction of it and make a decision based only on the present factors.
So most of the times, i blame it on the circumstances. That it is not the right time. I do that fully aware of the fact that there is no better time than today.

Fear. It makes us do crazy things.

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