Sunday, June 15, 2008


When you fight, you discover lots of things about yourself. Coz the mouth speaks without the mind. Lucidity is lost and you are all open and sincere.

I have patience. And i start to wonder if maybe i did something wrong. Sometimes i did, sometimes i did not. But that is not the issue, who did what. Conflict is healthy. It dissolves the illusion of perfection. It helps release the tension. It brings out the truth. It helps glue elements together or put them apart forever. It is healthy, because it is natural.

Sometimes you have to admit you are wrong. sometimes you have to admit that you are weak. That you are confused.
Sometimes it is better to trust people and ask for help.

If things do not go as u want them to, accept it and do your best in the circumstances. Some things may seem strange, they may seem different, they may seem cold and foreign. Accept it and do not try to look for a "why" no matter how tempting it might be. Just don't.

Calm down. Relax. Breathe. And then start over. Because life is a set of vicious circles. You can stay on the one you are on at the moment and know what the next stop will be. You will get there with no tremendous effort. Or you can jump and get on the next one and see what else is there in store for you.

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