Should we believe in signs? Or do we see what we want to see? Should we believe in coincidences? Or are some things "meant to be" ?
Yes, i do believe in love, even if for some time now i have been stating that i do not think it exists. I believe in love because i have seen it, because i have felt it, because i was happy in it and because i suffered from it. Still i wonder why we fall in love with one person rather than another. This subject is a matter of discussion in more than one talk, and the answers provided by the persons that have dedicated their life to the study of love and romance are different, yet they have one thing in common. LOVE EXISTS, fact that can be scientifically proven as a certain area of the brain is activated when one nourishes romantic feelings towards another person. Still, why we choose to love one person instead of another remained a mystery. The only fact is that once that choice is made, there is hardly ever a turning back... till a new love comes along. One love can cure another. Yes, how true.
In a previous post i kinda asked a very ticklish question about how we choose our partners. And yes, i do believe that we choose them, because at one point or another, we choose to love a person, we choose to accept his/her minuses and we choose to focus on the pluses. So we do choose. How? That is probably another talk that is to come - if no one comes up with an idea, who knows, i myself might get up there on that stage in the medium run future :))))
Still, the choosing idea has one drawback - how can we choose who to love and still accept the fact that one cannot command the heart? Well, i said it would be medium run future, i do not have the answer to that right now :)
In most cases, the "signs" are the ones that guide us in one or another direction. Signs that make you decide good or bad. SIGNS. For example a black cat crossing your path may make you turn around and spit 3 times in order to break up the bad luck, but then you miss the bus that makes you miss the train and you in the end arrive late for work and so you conclude that the black cat really was bad luck for you. But the fact that you stopped and hesitated instead of going faster in order to get to the bus station, and the fact that you already had the predetermined idea that things were going to go bad that day - aren't those actually the variables that cause the bad luck through the day? So i return to the same idea that everything is psychological, and superstitions and signs are stupid. The majority of them, at least. Coz many superstitions do have logical explanations, as i see it. For example, " do not walk under a ladder" - smth may fall on your head, " do not sow clothes you are dressed with, take them off first" - yes, you might get hurt with the needle and you most probably will do a very bad job sowing the rupture; " do not wash your head before an exam" = hot water causes loss of long term memory ; etc. All of these sayings do have explanations, except the one with the cat and the number 13. Those are then 2 things i need help with. Anybody?
And what about signs? Are they real, or do we understand what we actually want to see? Is it all psychological? If i want to believe that tomorrow will be sunny, i see all the signs that are in favor of sunny weather. Of course, i do not look at the weather report, i have the signs that i believe in. If it is not sunny, i then say that i have misunderstood the signs. If it is sunny, i am happy that the signs were correct and i am sure to turn to their advice once again. Of course, "sunny" is a metaphore. "Sunny" is the uncertain event that we are trying to predict, the outcome that we are so impatient to know, the dream that we need to have, the certainty that we seek. Yes, people need to be in control. And who knows - this idea just came to me now - the fact that we look for signs everywhere is a kind of proof of the fact that we as humans need to know everything. And if we cannot know something, we convince ourselves that we do actually know it because "the signs" are all there. But are there such things as signs? Or is it just pure mere selection? DO WE SEE WHAT WE WANT TO SEE? Do we choose what to believe? I think yes. And yes, most of the times, that is why wishing hard for something makes it happen. Because you are so sure it will happen that you concentrate all your energy in that direction and what do you know, the signs were right. Of course they were. Because it's not the event that determines the signs that we see. It's the signs that determine the event.
But then, what about intuition? What about the things we cannot control? What about coincidences? I cannot help but wonder.....
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