I still tend to think that everything that happens is to the best. I still want to think that there is a good reason for unhappiness, that there is an explanation for pain and that the waiting does lead one towards a certain positive result. Of course, one must not stand arms crossed, but still, i believe that in the end, good things do come to those who have patience and who trust in the future.
Sometimes it is too late. Sometimes there is nothing more you can do. But one can state that only when all the tools in possession have been used, when everything possible has been done. So, i wonder if what i am saying is that i should take a risk. Any risk. Would it make me feel better? Me, the most risk averse person there is? Me, the person who does not cheat, does not steal, does not lie ( except ocassionally, but it is understandable, i am not perfect) not so much because it is immoral, but because i fear getting caught? Should i risk anything? Or should i opt for the convenient, for the safe, for the warm and for the nice?
Theoretically, people will say that life without risks is an empty existence, that he who does not risk does not win, etc. But practically, how many persons actually take their own advice?
100% de acord :)
Am intrat in faza carrie bradshaw :) bine k nu in aia ally mcbeal, da cred k urmeaza :)
:)) aia ally mbceal e grava! been there
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