Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Slight misandry

1968. Patty Pravo. Don't ask. Listen. It does strike a little bit close to home, but i think that every estrogen secreting human being has experienced this kind of emotion at least once in her life... Why at least once? Because those who have been through it once make sure they never find themselves in the same situation again. But still, there are some specimens that still don't know that men aren't supposed to be loved. They must be accepted. I will not specify what characteristix have made me write this post. I will just say that men and women use different parts of the brain, it has been scientifically proven. So yes, men are from mars and women are from venus. So choose the least worst martian from a bunch of bad, and then live with it... oh, i'm sorry, i meant to say "live with him". And most importantly, keep your distance and your calm where everyone can see it. Do not even think of getting involved. Do not even think of affection. And if you do start to feel the butterflies, make sure he does not know it, coz it might go to his head.

Tu mi fai girar, tu mi fai girar - You spin me around, you spin me around
come fossi una bambola - as if I were a doll
e poi mi butti giu', poi mi butti giu' - then you toss me away
come fossi una bambola - like a doll
Non ti accorgi quando piango - You don't realize when I'm crying
quando sono triste e stanca, tu - when I'm sad and tired
pensi solo per te. - you only think of you
No ragazzo no, No ragazzo no, - No boy
del mio amore non ridere - don't laugh at my love
non ci gioco piu' - I don't play with it any more
quando giochi tu - when you play
sai far male da piangere - you can hurt till I cry
Da stasera la mia vita - From tonight my life
nele mani di un ragazzo, no - in the hands of a boy
non la mettero' piu' - I won't place it any more
No ragazzo no, - No boy
tu non mi metterai - you won't put me
tra le dieci bambole - among the ten dolls
che non ti piacciono piu' - that you don't like any more
Oh no, oh ragazzo no.

P.S. Misandry - hatred of men. But do not worry, it will pass, it is just a phaze.


ana said...

oh dar câtă dreptate.

Roxanchik said...

shtiam eu ca vor fi sustsinatoare :))

adinusa said...

dar ce imi place si mie! giuro