The italians i have come across seem to have a different opinion. They seem to be less considerate when it comes to keeping information secret and letting that "certain" person know more than she(in this case me) is willing to know. For example, after somewhat weird encounters with a person, after he was obviously puzzled by the brightly colored "relationship", (let us call it that) a relationship that did not fit into any if his previously set standards, he displayed for several days the message nella persona sbagliata ( the wrong person)on msn. Great, i say. Just great. I know that it was weird with him. I know it was different. I know it was hard. But that made me read the message the other way. He was the persona sbagliata. It had been so fine and shiny for a long time. It was all super till out of the blue it was not no more. And i could not put my finger on what had changed, what had made the encounters so exhausting. And then it just hit me. Italians are said to be very connected to their mothers. And that is what they expect from a girl. For her to take care of them, to pat them on the head and say it is going to be fine. To spoil them. And to entertain them. And that is when i realized that it was the "bring it on" attitude that killed it. He had to do more than just sit there. He had to make the decisions, and not give me the "you choose" crap all the time, coz every now and then a girl wants to be swept away. People tell me that i am a control freak, that i lead in discussions, dancing and even kisses. And it is true, but i yield for the one who will do all that for me, i want him to wear the pants so that i can wear a skirt. So, as he himself said, it was la persona sbagliata.
But my story does not end there. As i decide to give it another shot and offer a second chance to italians, i come across another set of status messages. Se non sai rischiare, non ottenerai nulla. Ma se non vale la pena? "If you do not risk, you do not win. But sometimes you wonder if it is worth it." And it was soo after a certain encounter that went a little different than what he expected...In my opinion, it went great. So this time i broke my unspoken rule and responded se un
I think internet has gone too far.... it substitutes so many things that it becomes scary.
goooood post:D
remember woman!
1. la mamma
2. il calcio
3. la pizza :P
pentru italienii care fac exceptie, evident ca a2a cerinta va fi inlocuita de "la ragazza" (a se citi giuseppe aici si altii mai destupati)
cat despre mesaje on msn/mess hell yeah, internet gone bad&wild :-s
iata asa.... este o dependentsa. insa si o necesitate cind vine vorba de turuiala in continuu cu persoanele de acasa.
iar de status messages... no comment... nu am msn aici, si nici nu am de gind sa mi-l instalez :P
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