Today's link asked the question What to do with spare time?
The conclusion of the article is learn. Open the book so you can read what other people have thought. And maybe in time you will be fit to write your own.
Learn - man never stops learning. Theoretically, of course. Among students, few are those that are conscious of their mission as a student, few are up to date with the news and what is going on in real time. Because reality is rarely fun... The thing is, no one reads no more. Fact that is alarming. Children spend their time in front of the computer and the TV - and due to the child protection and children rights and so on, even the smallest amount of punishment tends to be cataloged as violence... Which is not true, as children need discipline, they do need a spanking every now and then. I cannot remember being spanked - not because i was docile, but because we had a different system of punishment. I do not believe in violence, but i think that the child must know that the parent makes all the decisions - but nowadays, there is so much independence and the youth is so rotten spoilt.... I enter my once modest lyceum where people wore uniforms and concentrated on study and find that today, it is a fashion show. Video games, MTV, internet and movies are discussed, no more classic authors, no more poems, no more nothing. T
From an early age, girls dress provocatively and fashionably. They go out for coffee and chit chat on benches. Nobody plays dolls anymore, all the toys are automated and creativeness and imagination are not encouraged. Everything is served on a silver platter - the robots move and talk, the dolls cry and the animals make the appropriate sounds. There are doll houses, so there is no need to build one. There are movies - so there is no need to play mom and dad. I remember we did not have sophisticated toys. We used to make belief and imagined scenarios. We made clothes for dolls out of socks and old cloth. We used to draw. We used to run, jump and climb trees. Today children are afraid. Today, parents are so overprotective of their offspring that the latter grows up full of fears, indecisive and irresponsible. And yes, i think that all the bruises and all the messes i got myself into as a child helped me become the person i am now.
Innocence has somewhat become obsolete. Everyone knows at a very early age where children come from, and each generationthe shock is less and less powerful. I remember when i found out that there was no cabbage garden and no stork, i felt i had been lied to all my life. But i did not judge my parents for that, as sex at that time was a disgusting concept, so i did not blame them for trying to keep it a secret. These days children play the bottle at very early ages, and start french kissing before the age of 10. I personally find it disturbing, because the children of today are the society of tomorrow. Children barely see their parents, fact that also contributes to the general issue of mis-educated youth. These days, material values have started to be more important, so mothers work in order to assure a bright future for the ch
I am not sure i want my child to grow in this world. As i said today, society is going bunkers. Things that were unpercievable before are normal today, good and bad. But i personally think that the bad is worse that the goodness of good. Technology? Progress? Maybe. But at what cost?
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